What a journey it’s been! 125 years of playful exploration, embracing innovation, nurturing students, and creating community. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating Waynflete’s...
“What is one step that schools can take to prevent bullying?” “Awareness.” This question and our corresponding answer set into action of chain of events...
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A few weeks ago, 6-12 History teacher Hannah DeBlois led a civic engagement teach-in for middle school students. The theme of the event was how...
In the spring, sixth graders learn about and study plants as their final unit of the year. This year, they decided to collaborate with students...
After winning the state event, Waynflete represented Maine at the national LifeSmarts competition in San Diego last week. Lydia Giguere, Nick Jenkins (captain), Leeza Kopaeva,...
Congratulations to Tabarak Al-Musawi, who placed third at the Lion's Club state Speak Out competition! Click here to read Tabarak’s speech