What a journey it’s been! 125 years of playful exploration, embracing innovation, nurturing students, and creating community. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating Waynflete’s...
Seniors (pictured above): Callie Banksmith Claire Dubois Sophie Good Nick Hagler Leeza Kopaeva Shuhao Liu Molly McNutt Dorothea Pinchbeck Charlotte Rhoads Luna Soley Sara Wasdahl...
Dana Hirschhorn ’18 was presented with an appointment certificate to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) at Upper School assembly this week. She will begin...
Both of Waynflete's ExMASS research groups—lunar and asteroid—have made it through to the national finals! The students will present online to a panel of scientist...
Grade 7 visual art students recently learned about the textile weaving of the Gutierrez Family in Zapotec, Mexico. Students made two types of weavings. In one,...
Have you ever walked by the third-floor classrooms and heard students practicing Chinese? Have you ever considered how hard it is to learn such a...
“What is one step that schools can take to prevent bullying?” “Awareness.” This question and our corresponding answer set into action of chain of events...