Waynflete has received a $50,000 grant from Unum to support The Can We? Project, one of several initiatives run by the school’s Third Thought Institute...
Last week, K-1 traveled to the Cumberland County fair to visit the livestock and watch some demonstrations. Armed with a scavenger hunt list of things...
Read students' shared reflections on courage Comments by Head of School Geoff Wagg: Welcome to the 2018-2019 Waynflete school year! On this day at our...
For each of the past eight years, the ninth grade has gathered at Chewonki’s wilderness outpost on Fourth Debsconeag Lake, just southwest of Baxter Park....
In Malcolm Gladwell-speak, Margo Walsh is a “connector.” She became a successful recruiter after graduating from Wheaton College, working with organizations like Goldman Sachs and...
Welcome back after so many miles hiked, biked, and paddled, services rendered, new connections made, old relationships deepened, and our collective appreciation for the natural...