Grade 6 students recently created their own city-states in the Fertile Crescent based on knowledge gained during their Mesopotamia unit. They were given access to...
The December 2018 issue of the Upper School Lit Mag is out! View/download here
Waynflete sixth-graders gathered last week to celebrate Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday that celebrated the return of Saturn, the god of the harvest. Students made...
Students from Waynflete, Kennebunk High School, Scarborough High School, Morse High School, Portland High School, and Deering High School spent Sunday in Franklin Theater writing...
Congratulations to Brandon Salway for being named Fall Coach of the Year by The Forecaster! Read the article
On Wednesday night a group of parents, Lower School math teachers, and Admission staff gathered to engage in some math puzzles and activities and to...
Every other year, second and third grade students begin the school year by engaging in a maritime study. Waynflete’s location in the heart of Portland—particularly...