Middle School student council has returned! Spearheaded by Middle School Dean of Students John McDevitt, student council is an opportunity for Middle School students to...
Waynflete hosted the school’s first annual Invitational Chamber Music Festival on February 10. Over 30 participants representing eight schools and studios gathered in the Franklin...
In K-1, we have extended our Identity and Expression unit into conversations about the geography of where we live. We read books and drew maps...
Last week the Irish-American author Colum McCann came to Portland on a mission. He wanted to tell the story of Narrative 4, an organization of authors...
Be sure to stop by the Waynflete Gallery before the end of March to check out the EC–Grade 8 studio show. See samples of the...
Congratulations to Performing Arts jazz instructor Ray Morrow for leading the Upper School's Jazz Ensemble and Combo group at the Berklee Jazz Festival for 30...
Eliza Goodwin '20 and Tzevi Aho '19 received Gold and Silver keys respectively at the recent Scholastic Exhibition at the Maine College of Art (part...