Fifteen Upper School science students traveled to MIT on January 20 for an invitational Science Olympiad tournament. Students competed with schools from across the country...
4-5 students recently accompanied Lower School Art Teacher Mary Rehak on a visit to the three Middle-Upper School art classrooms where they met teachers and...
A group of Upper Schoolers recently attended an afternoon workshop at Texas Instruments's South Portland facility along with teachers Stephanie Dolan and Sue Stein. Students...
Three student participants in Waynflete’s “Can We?” Project, along with co-creator and facilitator Deb Bicknell, were recently featured on the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical...
Eighth graders welcomed guest speaker Charles Rotmil to Waynflete on May 7. Originally from the Alsace-Lorraine region, Mr. Rotmil lost family members to the Holocaust....
Working in their history classes in groups of three or four, seventh graders were recently tasked with writing a one-act play to tell the story...