By Vanessa Churchill, Lower School Math Learning Specialist So much has changed in mathematics, and with these changes come plenty of questions about the new...
Waynflete School has a longstanding relationship with nearby Reiche School, a partnership which you can read more about here. Tenth-grade student Isabel Canning was recently inspired to...
Michaela Goldfine’s 2nd and 3rd grade students who are studying clay paid a visit to Mimi Olins’ Upper School Wheel Throwing class. Throwing students shared what they...
Waynflete’s Diversity Advisory Group (DAG), a committee of faculty and staff, sponsored the first annual Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Award. Students in the...
Waynflete in lights at the 2014 National Science Olympiad On January 24, a team from Waynflete will be heading to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to compete against...
When South Portland Detective. Sgt. Steve Webster wanted to make the public aware of human trafficking, he turned to Waynflete Senior Mike Rodway for help....