Waynflete's Upper School faculty and administrators have designed an exciting range of new and updated electives for the 2022–23 academic year! New and revised classes...
Please click the link below to view a detailed schedule of events for what we call Senior Week. The "week" is kicked off with Senior Project...
Waynflete students spanning 8th to 12th grades participated in the Maine Model United Nations Conference (MeMUNC) at the University of Southern Maine from Monday, 5/11...
There is more than one story here. The first is the story that Dr. Freddy Kaniki told at a recent Upper School assembly. Freddy and...
For the 3rd year in a row, Waynflete’s LifeSmarts Team represented Maine in the LifeSmarts Nationals Competition, held April 17-20 in Seattle, Washington. This well...
On Sunday, May 3rd, freshmen Riley Mayes and Payton Sullivan were honored at the Eighth Annual Merriconeag Poetry Festival at the Merriconeag Waldorf School in...