Students in the senior history elective "The Great 20th Century Crisis: World War II" were recently joined by members of Waynflete's Jewish Education and Culture...
In his last faculty meeting at Waynflete before heading overseas to rejoin his family in Spain, Steve Kautz teamed up with TC to deliver a...
Here are just a small sampling of pictures from Baccalaureate and Commencement 2016. Photos from the entire events are available from CIP Photography. Baccalaureate Photos...
Senior Project Sampler Senior Project Photo Gallery Richard ll | Caroline Kyros Chaotic Kids and Peaceful Poses | Anne Veroneau Lifesize Origami | Hibo Abdi A Home Away...
The homestay and working with ELL students has been an amazing experience, I’ve learned so much from it. I hope many other students will...
For his 2nd place finish in the fall session of The Stock Market Game (SMG), Jesse Brooks was invited to the awards lunch, held on...