Our 2–3 art students recently created signal flags using color theory! Each classroom made a full alphabet without use of rulers or measuring devices. Every...
I’m thrilled to be writing home to Waynflete as a first-year medical student! I moved to Durham this past summer to start a joint MD-PhD...
It was the start of a normal Monday morning for my Literature of Genocide class. Discussion in classes in the previous week were tinged with...
Good luck to our seven Upper School students who auditioned for the Maine All-State Music Festival the weekend before Thanksgiving at Biddeford High School. All...
In today’s world, it is easier than ever to find oneself in an echo chamber. Social media allows for selective exposure to news events, public...
The Hundred Dresses Project Meets Social Commentary After reading the book The Hundred Dresses, seven juniors and seniors in Advanced Studio made a piece in...