We were thrilled to have our friends at Windham High School participate in our most recent Can We? Project retreat! The Can We? Project is...
John Hoy visits with Northrup Frye, Toronto Within his foundational essay "On Fairy-Stories" J.R.R. Tolkien isolates Faërie, the Perilous Realm or Shadowy Marches wherein fairies...
The Current Events hosted a delicious bake sale this past Monday. Everyone seemed to be quite hungry, and after the baked good were devoured, Current...
Summer Jobs at Waynflete Flyers Camp! From February 1 through March 15, Waynflete Flyers Camp 2017 will accept applications for counselor positions at waynfletecamp.campbrainstaff.com. New...
Waynflete had three successful submissions to the annual Scholastic Writing Awards of Maine for 2017. Riley Mayes '18 was a Gold Key recipient, Sydney Sullivan...
The Winter Play is coming! Performances at Waynflete are scheduled for Friday, March 3rd and Saturday, March 4th at 7:00pm and please join us at...
Every year, the Upper School suspends classes for one day to focus on topics relevant to the grade. This year, Grade Advising Day for Upper...