Despite all its harm, the COVID-19 pandemic drove many school administrators and teachers to explore new opportunities for pedagogical innovation. At Waynflete, Middle School Director...
This past weekend featured the final theater show of the year: an original production titled "CommUNITY: Together We Speak. " Check out some shots of...
Monday, May 1 Advising / Service day Please go to homeroom by 8:15. Your advisor will take attendance and then you will begin whatever plan...
After the huge success of The Great Bank Robbery (working title) in the State One-Act Festival, Document Stuff Club member Shuhao Liu, '18 sat down...
Senior Projects are only two weeks away! That means it's time for Senior Exams. Click here to see the full schedule.
When I met with the students and chaperones before their departure for Cuba, I told the students that their primary job was to make the...