Students from Maine independent schools gathered at the State House today to connect with representatives. Waynflete seniors are pictured standing with the Speaker of the...
Exams are right around the corner, you can check out the exam schedule by clicking here.
A sad but joyful memorial service for Debba was held in the sanctuary at St. Luke's Cathedral, which was packed with Waynflete students, alums, faculty,...
Students Ellis Dougherty, Avis Akers and Eliza Goodwin (class of 2020) have fun during their free in Sarah Macdonald's homeroom!
The US Chorus had a wonderful concert last week, and at the end of the scheduled program they surprised Chorus Director Nick MacDonald with a...
Waynflete’s Day of Silence will be held on Friday, May 12. This peaceful demonstration is part of a larger event an known as the National...