Students in grades 2–3 began the year with the question, "What does it feel like to be near or in the ocean?" This sparked a...
Morgan Peppe and Sara Wasdahl at the dress rehearsal for the AllState Music Festival Orchestra performance on Saturday, May 20th at University of Maine, Orono....
Led by history teacher Model UN coach Ben Mini, Waynflete sent another outstanding team to the Maine Model United Nations Conference (MeMUNC). Following is an...
Waynflete parent Heather McCargo (Lilu McNiff '20 and Liam McNiff '16)) helped Ethical Leadership plant this American Elm tree, a native species to our area....
Click through the gallery above! As a ten-year-old whippersnapper in 70’s London, I was given three gifts by my then master 5th-grade teacher, Mr. Henri...
The year is winding down, but there are lots of exciting days ahead! Click here to read a letter from Lowell detailing the final days...
The Senior Project Presentation schedule is linked here. Come out and support the seniors, and learn about all they have been doing over the past month!...