Articles Categorized: Upper School

2020 Senior Awards

One of the rituals of spring in the Upper School that has been canceled by the virus is the annual awards assembly.  Waynflete values all of our students equally and prizes each student’s growth and accomplishments. Another ritual of spring...

Guest artist drops in to speak with theater students

Sometimes there is a silver lining! Waynflete's online platform made it easy for L.A. television and audio book actor Kathe Mazur to take time out from recording in her home studio to speak with Waynflete theater students. Kathe talked about...

Guest Debbie Landry drops in on Biology class to discuss COVID-19

Debbie Landry, PhD, founder of iXplore STEM, recently dropped in to Katrina St. John’s virtual biology class. Debbie discussed the structure of viruses like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). She reviewed how viruses infect cells and what vaccines are currently in development. Debbie...

Honoring Spring Senior Athletes

Twenty-four baseball, crew and lacrosse senior athletes will not have a chance to wear the Waynflete uniform and represent the Flyers this spring.  But their impact on Waynflete athletics has been significant. The crew team had the best season in...

Puppetry workshop with Elliot Nye ’15

Elliot Nye '15 led the company of A Midsummer Night’s Dream through a puppetry handling and building workshop. Come see giant butterflies, big birds, fairy alter egos, and the faces of Titania and Oberon for this production on April 30-...

Peace of Pi

Dax Penney ’21 envisions low-cost computers for the resettled refugee community Junior Dax Penney's interest in computers, programming, and robotics was sparked by his experiences as a sixth-grader attending Waynflete summer camp. It was here where he first encountered open-source...

Waynflete Wins Maine Science Bowl

On March 7, two teams of Upper School students competed against 20 schools from around Maine—including neighbors Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, and Yarmouth—in the Maine Regional Science Bowl Competition. The tournament is a round robin-style STEM trivia competition and is sponsored...

Waynflete wraps up a stellar winter sports season

It was another successful winter for Flyer teams on the hardwood, on the ice, on the trails, and in the pool. The boys alpine ski co-op captured the Class A state championship, and boys basketball, boys hockey, and girls hockey...

Waynflete hosts regional math meet

On March 4, 125 students from nine area high schools assembled at Waynflete for the Pi-Cone South "Portland Large" divisional math meet—the fifth meet of the year and the third time that the school has hosted in the past four...

Patrick Shaw ’21 featured on ABC News Nightline

Junior Patrick Shaw was featured in a recent ABC News segment on freestyle soccer. "At the Red Bull Street Style World Final, 16-year-old Patrick Shaw of Maine competes against athletes from around the globe in freestyle soccer, which blends break...

Waynflete to host second annual Invitational Chamber Music Festival

Members of the community are invited to the second annual Waynflete Invitational Chamber Music Festival on Sunday, March 1 in Franklin Theater.  We are bringing young musicians together (grades 7-12) to share, learn, network, and perform! 1:00 p.m.—workshops, masterclass, and social (participants only)...

LitMag – February 2020

View or download a PDF version of the latest LitMag issue!

Furry friend DNA analysis in Upper School science

Students in Katrina St. John's biology class are collecting  DNA from their own dogs (or a friend's or teacher's dog) to see which variants of the RSP02 gene the dog carries. The RSPo2 gene controls the hair length cycle in...

Upper Schoolers compete at Harvard University Science Olympiad Invitational

On Saturday, February 1, fifteen Upper School students traveled to Cambridge to compete in the Harvard University Science Olympiad Invitational. The seniors lead the team to another outstanding finish in what is always a competitive invitational tournament that includes laboratory,...

Waynflete hosts second “Can We? Project” weekend for area high school students

The Can We? Project stands as a prime example of the good that can come from an independent school putting its core values out into the world. Watch the video below to learn more about the second edition of The...

“Harness The Wind” gallery show

Make time to stop by the Waynflete Gallery to view the Harness The Wind exhibit, which runs from January 22–March 12. The EC-12 show is inspired by our community-wide read of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba....

Dominic Campbell ’21 profiled on WMTW

Junior Dominic Campbell was recently profiled on WMTW. Watch the segment to learn more about his hard work over the past year.

Panelists and students explore the complex nature of the immigration experience

Decades ago, Waynflete came to realize the power of learning in community. From longer ago than anyone currently teaching at the school can remember, discussion has been a preferred pedagogical method. A well-orchestrated discussion facilitates the powerful learning that come...

Waynflete Athletes and Coach of the Decade

Congratulations to Martha Veroneau '13 and Harry Baker-Connick '15 for being recognized by The Forecaster as Waynflete's Athletes of the Decade—and to Jeff Madore, who was recognized as Coach of the Decade. Read about Martha and Harry Read about Jeff Madore

Sophi Aronson ’20 joins WCSH’s “Varsity Club”

WCSH has appointed senior Sophi Aronson to their Varsity Club  in recognition of her outstanding academic, athletic, and community service efforts. Congrats Sophi! Watch the segment

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