Articles Categorized: Upper School

Intern Mohamed Kilani creates inspirational artwork at Waynflete’s remote hub

With support from the Winter Break Community Engagement Fund (established by the McKeen Center for the Common Good), Bowdoin senior Mohamed Kilani has been interning at Waynflete over the past few weeks. Mo is pursuing a double major in Hispanic...

State of the School 2021

On February 11, Head of School Geoff Wagg gave a virtual State of the School address to the Waynflete community from the Klingenstein Library in the Lower School. Geoff reviewed the past year, outlined the elements that will help shape...

2020 Festival of Student-Written Plays

Student in Waynflete's Performing Arts program recently performed three student-written plays to a small live audience and via live stream. Read descriptions of the plays below, then click the links to watch! (more…)

LitMag – Inauguration Edition!

Take a look at a special issue of LitMag, created in honor of the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Read the issue

LitMag – Fall 2020

Click here to check out the latest issue of LitMag! Artwork above: "Being a Child" by Selina He

7 Ways To Get Kids Excited About Science

By Carol Titterton (6-12 science chair) 1. Start with teachers who have real-world experience Teachers who have worked or earned degrees in scientific fields are more apt to be genuinely interested in their subject. Waynflete’s faculty, which includes former nuclear...

2020 Maine Chinese Speaking Contest

Waynflete's Ellie Simmons '21 and Liam Slocomb '22 recently competed in the 2020 Maine Chinese Speaking Contest. They each prepared a short (less than five minutes) speech, which they delivered to a panel of judges. Ellie took first place while...

Waynflete hosts 24-Hour Theater Fest

Waynflete theater hosted the 5th annual 24 Hour Theater Fest—Virtual Edition. Nine schools attended, twelve plays were written overnight, and 27 students were present on Saturday to bring the plays to life on Zoom. The quality of the writing and...

NAIS Student Leadership Conference

Six Waynflete Upper Schools students will attend the National Association of Independent Schools's virtual Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC) from December 1–4. The four-day event is a multiracial, multicultural gathering of high school student leaders from across the U.S. and...


Congrats to the cast and crew of Metamorphoses who, in the time of COVID, rose to the challenge of putting on a socially distanced play about love and relationships! While some family members were able to attend—a rare celebration of...

10 Tips for College Admissions

By John Thurston (director of college counseling) Every year, like clockwork, a host of publications tap into a particular vein of national anxiety: getting your child into college. From September through November, flurries of articles appear decrying the increasing selectivity...

300 wins!

Congratulations to boys soccer coach Brandon Salway for netting his 300th win in a match against Sacopee Valley High School today! Waynflete Athletic Director Ross Burdick had this to say: Waynflete and the boys soccer program are extremely fortunate to...

The 2020 election as a learning opportunity

The Upper School is navigating the upcoming (and highly contentious) 2020 election as a learning opportunity. We are pursuing three general goals: To give student groups the opportunity to reflect on what they are learning about the candidates and to...

Upper School students launch The Perspective Project

As a result of all that is happening in the US and around the world through the Black Lives Matter movement, escalating consequences of climate change, COVID-19, and the elections, a group of Waynflete Upper School students came together to...


We're looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces back on campus! Be sure to check out this brief video that provides an overview of the new Swivl technology that will be in our hybrid classrooms this fall. The...

Chamber ensemble videos (second semester)

These resilient and determined young people accomplished something very special together this semester. Be sure to check out the combined ensembles—all 30 players!—playing "Draganovo", a difficult Bulgarin folk song. Watch the videos

Commencement 2020—photos and videos

June 12 was a special day for the Class of 2020. In the midst of a global pandemic with all the associated and necessary restrictions, we held a beautiful, inspiring, thought-provoking live graduation for our seniors. They were able to...

Our Graduates Are Going Places 2020!

Waynflete’s Class of 2020 is a group of accomplished young adults with an impressive list of colleges and universities that they will be attending! Below is the list of where our 61  graduates will/may matriculate this fall. Obviously some students...

Honoring Senior Performing Artists

The Class of 2020 is chock full of talent! Twenty-four of our graduating seniors found a kind of second home in the Franklin Theater. They are actors, dancers, choreographers, composers, costume crew members, instrumental musicians, singers, stage managers, and stage...

Click here to enjoy the spring 2020 issue of LitMag!

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