Articles Categorized: Upper School

Danceflete Ensembles Present “Dance Moments and Memories”

USM Chamber Singers Visit Waynflete

WMC Student Leadership Summit

For the past four years, Waynflete’s athletic director, Ross Burdick, has taken on the leadership role in organizing the Student-Athlete Leadership Summit on behalf of the Western Maine Athletic Conference.   Organizing an event for 136 student athletes from 18 different...

Homeroom Birthday Celebration

Spare Time with Dyer Rhoads

I have been talking with Mike and Sam for some time about creating some kind of comedy/talk show. Recently we decided to come together and make it happen. We decided on a late-night show format that would allow us to...

The Wolverines of Emery Street? Maybe Not, But These Students Have Super Powers When It Comes to The Stock Market Game.

I’ve been using the Stock Market Game in my classes for about 15 years.  I’ve used the game with economics classes, algebra classes, 6th grade math classes, finance classes, clubs, and with adults.  I’ve seen one of my student teams...

Fall Athletics Summary

It was another thrilling season for Flyer varsity teams on the fields, on the trails and on the links.  The golf team had its best season ever, field hockey and girls soccer made the play-offs, boys soccer won the WMC...

Waynflete’s First Ever Adult Course is a Go! Limited Space Still Available!

More than enough people have already registered to take The Language of Social Class to ensure that Waynflete's first ever adult course is sure to run.  The class, taught by Taffy Field and Phuc Tran, features a blended format, with both online...

Elise LeBihan Reports from Nashville, Tennessee

On Sunday, October 26, 2014, I walked from my hotel room to the NafME Honors Ensembles Registration with the help of the handy Gaylord Opryland Hotel map. After having walked past the indoor jungle, up two escalators, and past three...

Mock Trial Advances

Waynflete's Mock Trial squad won its first round of competition last Saturday in impressive fashion. For Coach Curtis, some of the highlights were: Seeing Tiki Furo and Margaret Austin rooting for her squad from the jury box. Watching Acadia Weinberg...

Lacrosse Gear Drive for Guatemalan Girls

The Upper School Ethical Leadership and Service Activity is sponsoring a donation drive for girls lacrosse gear that will be brought to Guatemala City as part of the Maya Lacrosse program, which organizes lacrosse programs for girls in six cities around Guatemala....

Maddie Berrang ’09 Writes Home from Ecuador

Life can take you on unexpectedly wonderful adventures, to places you had never expected, and on journeys you had never even dreamt about. You can find yourself looking back at the path that has led you to your current job,...

The Language of Social Class; Language as Unifier, Language as Divider

Whether we speak with careful word choice or speak in our casual register, our speech immediately connects us to specifics groups - those we call home, those we aspire to, those we eschew, those we're grappled into by others. This course is...

Fall Performing Arts Sharing: Vocal Ensemble

Fall Performing Arts Sharing: Poetry in Performance

Coming Soon to USNOW: The Spare Time Show With Dyer Rhoads

Waynflete Mock Trial 2014

Thirty Waynflete Upper School students have been working since September to prepare for the Maine State Bar Association’s annual Mock Trial competition, which begins this weekend.  Participating schools from all over the state are sent a packet of information, containing a...

First Ever Waynflete Amazing Race!

(Production Team: Molly McNutt, Randall Seder, Ellis Heminway, Almu Canales, and Elsie Parrot) This fall, the PA Production Workshop class came together to create the first organized scavenger hunt photo challenge in Waynflete history. This class gave the students the...

First Ever Adult Education: Course Description and Registration Materials

After every Open House, many parents comment, “I wish I could go to school at Waynflete.”  During visits home, many alums hearken back to their days as Waynflete students and wish they could return.  Here is a chance for a...

A Cry of Players: Upper School Fall Play

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