Articles Categorized: Upper School

Science Olympiad is gearing up for a regional competition at MIT this month. Jacob Hagler ’15 and Ali Ghorashi ’15 are building a Rube Goldberg type device for the competition.

Off to Harvard

Eight Waynflete students, representing every class in the Upper School, are rigorously preparing to attend the Harvard International Model UN conference to be held in Boston the end of January, our fifth appearance there.  Representing the Republic of Georgia in...

Riley Mayes Poetry Out Loud Winner

Riley Mayes has won first place in Waynflete’s Poetry Out Loud Contest. Her moving recitations of “In a London Drawing Room” by George Eliot won Riley top honors in the school-wide competition held during the Upper School assembly on January...

Boys Basketball Team Upsets Yarmouth in Battle of Unbeatens


Matthew Jarrell ’14 Writes Home from the Collegiate Mock Trial Circuit

I read somewhere once that the biggest fear most people have, even eclipsing fear of death, is that of public speaking. There’s something about having to stand up in front of a large group of people and deliver a statement...

The Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Award

Waynflete’s Diversity Advisory Group (DAG), a committee of faculty and staff, is thrilled to announce the first annual Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Award. Recipients will be selected based on writings submitted by Upper and Middle School students on...

After the Show

[audio m4a=""][/audio] If you have ever been a part of a play, then you have probably had Postpartum Show Depression. Maybe you haven’t called it that, but you’ve probably had it. In fact, if you’ve ever devoted yourself to a...

The Spare Time Show with Dyer Rhoads // Holiday Special/Episode 2 – Julianna Harwood + Stephen Epstein

Eternal Glory Redux!!

Waynflete’s MEST Up duo of Julianna Harwood ’15 and Stephen Epstein ’15 defeated Kennebunk High School in the MEST Up competition, capturing the tournament crown.  In case you missed it, here is a link to the championship match.  In addition...

Six Students Selected for the All-State Music Festival

Genevieve Welch and five other Waynflete students, auditioned for, and were accepted to participate in the All-State Music Festival on May 14-16/2015 at the University of Southern Maine. Helen Gray-Bauer will perform viola in the orchestra James Bigbee will perform...


Members of the class of 2005 enjoying fine weather on the Presidential traverse as sophomores According to Ron Hall - former Upper School Director, Development Director, Acting Head of School, and Outdoor Experience pioneer - Outdoor Experience ran for the...


During the first week of rehearsals for Henry V, we had an amazing "on your feet" first read followed by an intense drumming workshop led by local musician, Marc Chilemmi, who also teaches drum circle for MS PAW.  Additionally, we had a stage...

Now when did Kathy Wells take up the steel drums?

Twelve Members of the Ethical Leadership Group Serve Breakfast at Preble Street Soup Kitchen on Saturday

Exam support

Learn to Care – Waynflete’s Student Assistance Program

Nothing like a pre-exam waffle party to de-stress the week. "It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious...

Videographers Prep to Document the Ugly Sweater Contest

Waynflete Musicians Chosen For All Eastern Honors Ensembles

Four Waynflete students were accepted to participate the All  Eastern Honors Ensembles on April 9-12 in Providence RI. Acceptance in this festival is a high honor and shows the dedication and hard work of these students.  Only 2% of Maine students...

Poetry Out Loud

Recently, all 9th graders participated in a Poetry Out Loud classroom competition. Poetry Out Loud is a nationwide competition that celebrates poetry in its original form: recitation.  Students across the country read and analyze poems from a POL anthology, and...

Upper School Assembly: Africa is More Than One Story

In mid-November, ELL teacher Sue Stein and Hibo Abdi '16 presented an Upper School assembly program on their journeys to Africa that started in February and June respectively.  Here is a link to Sue's African Blog.  Here is a link to...

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