Articles Categorized: Upper School

100 Bowls

MEALS FOR BOWLS: HUNGER PREVENTION An independent study project by GRAYDON NUKI ’15 and MAEVE DONNELLY ’15 Featuring handmade ceramic bowls and homemade soup

Science Olympiad Video


Senior Project Presentation Schedule

Senior Project presentations will take place next Friday, June 5 from 8:25 am - 2:05 pm all around campus.  Parents are welcome to watch any and all presentations. 2015 Senior Project Presentation Schedule  

Maine Model UN Student Musings

After a large and impressive showing by Waynflete at the Maine Model UN Conference earlier this month, two student participants were asked why they participate in this time consuming activity.  Read on to learn what they had to say. Althea Sellers ’17,...

Upper School Arts Sharing Day

Upper School Performing Arts Classes came to a rousing close on May 21, heralding the end of the school year, with the final of our triannual Sharing Days.  Students and faculty from the Term Three classes gathered in Franklin Theater...


Saturday, June 6 8:30pm - 11:30pm * Falmouth Country Club 1 Congressional Drive Falmouth, Maine (On-site parking is available) * Tickets will be on sale in the cafe after Wednesday, May 27. $15.00 purchased by Thursday, June 4 from the cafe $20.00 at...

A Gold Medal Finish in the National Science Olympiad Tournament!

Brandon Woo '15 took home what is probably Maine's first ever gold medal at the National Science Olympiad Tournament with a first place finish in the Entomology event! Brandon and his 14 Upper School teammates, who had worked so incredibly...

The Science Olympiad Team in action at the National Tournament

The Campbell/Withers homeroom hanging out with ECers

Senior Week Schedule

Please click the link below to view a detailed schedule of events for what we call Senior Week.  The "week" is kicked off with Senior Project Presentations on Friday, June 5, and events and celebrations are scheduled throughout the following week...

Maine Model UN Conference Results Are In

Waynflete students spanning 8th to 12th grades participated in the Maine Model United Nations Conference (MeMUNC) at the University of Southern Maine from Monday, 5/11 through Wednesday, 5/13.  The conference, which attracts schools from throughout the State, was the largest...

The Ethical Leadership Group and Friends Serve Breakfast at Wayside


There is more than one story here. The first is the story that Dr. Freddy Kaniki told at a recent Upper School assembly. [caption id="attachment_3840" align="alignright" width="171"] Freddy and Esther Kaniki[/caption] Dr. Kaniki is a pharmacist working in Alaska. Originally...

Grunge, Coffee Beans, Flying Fish, and Personal Finance:  Waynflete’s LifeSmarts Team Competes at Nationals in Seattle

For the 3rd year in a row, Waynflete’s LifeSmarts Team represented Maine in the LifeSmarts Nationals Competition, held April 17-20 in Seattle, Washington.  This well done short video is about the Maine Finals – it includes part of the final...

Waynflete Freshmen Participate in Merriconeag Poetry Festival

On Sunday, May 3rd, freshmen Riley Mayes and Payton Sullivan were honored at the Eighth Annual Merriconeag Poetry Festival at the Merriconeag Waldorf School in Freeport.  The yearly Merriconeag Poetry Festival is open to Maine high school students in Cumberland, Androscoggin and...

Shakesyear Comes to a Close

Waynflete Theater finished off our three-show season of Shakesyear! May 1, Opening night of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, brought us a visit from our friends at Morse High School. Our two groups bonded at the One Act Festival in March and we...

A Day of Service in the Upper School

Monday in the Upper School, all was quiet in Emery as advising groups took to the town to take part in an array of community service projects.  Some groups volunteered their time to give back to Waynflete while others visited local organizations...

Dyer Rhoads & Jonas Maines with Liam McNiff at final rehearsal for ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead’. The show goes up May 1 at 7:00 in Franklin Theater and runs again on May 2. #shakesyear

Tech Prep for Rosencrantz and Gildenstern

An Evening of Upper School Arts

Come support the student directed Upper School play, the third production of Waynflete's Shakes-year, on Friday or Saturday, May 1 or 2, at 7:00 in Franklin Theater. The theater production will be preceded by the opening in the gallery of...

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete