Articles Categorized: Upper School

Reflections on the Veterans’ Day Assembly

At assembly on Tuesday, November 3rd, the Upper School students had the privilege to hear from a veteran, Sergeant Helaina Lake of Livermore Falls, Maine, who had fought in the Afghanistan. She told us her story from growing up in...

World Music: Meet Alex Bonnin ’07

For Alex Bonnin ’07, there was no escaping a musical life. From marimba quartets in central Maine to barbershop quartets in Massachusetts, both sides of his family had filled their lives with song for generations. “It was often a Von...

A Member of the Cast Reflects on Legally Blonde, the Musical

My involvement in theater most likely started because of my father, who worked for years at Waynflete as an English teacher and theater director. In fact, there is no way I would have started in theater without him. In addition...

That’s a Waynflete Student, Write?

Waynflete students write.  A lot.  Lab reports, personal essays, journals, and analytical term papers are only a few among the various pieces that students produce during their time here.  They edit themselves, they edit their peers, they are edited by...

Waynflete Varsity Sports Wrap-up Fall 2015

2015 was a great Fall season for the Waynflete teams.  We celebrated three Southern Maine Champions:  Boys and Girls Soccer and Girls Cross Country, and had many other strong team and individual performances.  The CMW Field Hockey Team became the...

Cast and crew gathered for the first time for introductions and read-through of our February production, Lanford Wilson’s The Rimers of Elritch.

Director Tiki Fuhro included this quote from Anne Bogart in the opening comments of the rehearsal, "The true function of art: to awaken what is asleep… The art experience is an intimate moment caught in the rush of time." And...

Music, Light, and Marshmallows

The Waynflete Upper School Chorus at the Portland Museum of Art’s Annual Copper Beech Tree Lighting 6:00 pm Friday 12/4/15 During the First Friday Art Walk on December 4th at 6:00 pm, Waynflete’s very own Upper School Chorus will join Portland’s...

The Power Pack

At a recent alumni event in New York City, I found myself in a flock of former ‘Fleters that spanned my tenure at Waynflete.  After an hour or so of catching up, Geoff got everyone’s attention to thank them for...


Waynflete Drama Presents: THE RIMERS OF ELDRITCH by Lanford Wilson Production Stage Managers: Almudena Canales and Tim Clifford Director: Tiki Fuhro Technical Director: Chris Fitze Producer: James Carlisle Production Dates: February 4, 5, 6 The Cast: Role Actor Wilma Atkins Caroline...

Acadia Weinberg ’16 featured on MPBN’s “Voices of Giving”

The recording is linked here.  Have a listen!

Warm Clothing Drive a Huge Success

As co-leaders of the Ethical Leadership and Service Group, an Upper School activity group, Julia Hansen and I wanted to start helping our community right from the start of the school year. One of our main goals is to focus on helping...

Start Times for Winter Athletic Seasons

Here are the start dates for the Winter seasons: Mon. 11/2 - Capeflete girls ice hockey began Mon. 11/16 - High school basketball, swimming and boys ice hockey begin Tue. 11/17 - Winter PE classes begin Mon. 11/23 - Varsity...

Legally Blonde, The Musical Closing Ritutal

The final step in closing an Upper School show is a ritual wherein participating seniors install a show poster in the catwalk of Franklin theater. Pictured in the act in front of their LBTM poster - which was signed by the entire cast and...

Upper School Students Are Invited to Audition for the Winter Play: The Rimers of Eldritch

First of all, a huge thank you to the amazing cast and crew of LEGALLY BLONDE, the musical!   And now…..for something completely different! Students are invited to join the cast and crew of THE RIMERS OF ELDRITCH, the winter play.  What’s it...

Fall Fest Photo Gallery

Message from Lowell to Upper School Students

The following was read to students in each Upper School homeroom this morning: As most of you now know, one of our tenth-grade students, Payton Sullivan, took her own life on Friday. The entire Waynflete community joins with Payton’s family...

Updated Notice about the Change in End of the Day Schedule for US Students

As the fall season ends for sports teams, PE classes, and PA classes we are entering mud season.  PE classes ended on October 27 and Performing Arts classes ends on Thursday, November 5.  JV teams and the Field Hockey team are finished...

Legally Blonde the Musical in Franklin Theater on November 5-7 at7PM; The Island Dinner is postponed.

Legally Blonde is more than just a musical; it is a hero's journey with a persistent theme of positive transformation. We could forgive Elle Woods if, swimming in a powdery puff of pink pixie-dust, she never imagined she could offer more...

Video of Final PK in the Boys Southern Maine Regional Soccer Game

Fall Sports Update: Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Teams Each Fall in Overtime in State Championship Matches

Both the boys and girls soccer teams fell in the state championship games.  The girls lost to Orono 3-2 in double overtime and the boys lost to Washington Academy 1-0 in overtime.  The kids played their hearts out and left...

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