Articles Categorized: Upper School

12th Annual Dodgeball Tournament

The 12th Annual Upper School Dodgeball Tournament was held on Thursday.  The winning team was the "Sensizzles" made up of Abel Alemayo, Milo Belleau, Willy Burdick, Aaron Lee, Tom Silk, Alice Wagg and Geoff Wagg. The core Sizzles completed the...

Annual 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

The 12th Annual Upper School  3 on 3 Basketball tournament was held on Tuesday.  The winning team was "Team Chunk" made up of Abel Alemayo '16, Tom Silk '16 and Izzy Burdick '18.

Upper and Middle School Dance Recital Video

On Thursday, March 10, the Middle School and Upper School Danceflete Ensembles performed Kaleidoscope, a collection of dances presented using different lighting lenses, mystical shadows, colorful special effects, rippling fabric, and beams of brilliant light. Filmed and edited by Jesse Brooks '17  

Limbo in the Upper School

Twin Day of Spirit Week

NEYIS Presenters Prepare for Saturday’s Event

Students from Seeds of Peace, the King Fellows, and Waynflete spent three hours on Sunday afternoon preparing for their presentation at the New England Identity Summit, which begins this Friday evening and runs throughout the day on Saturday.  These inspirational...

Winter 2015-2016 Varsity Sports Slideshow

Click here to see the Winter Varsity Sports Slideshow. Photos by Brian Beard, Creative Image Photography. Click here to order pictures.

LifeSmarts Team to Compete in State Finals

The Waynflete LifeSmarts team will compete in the state finals on Friday, March 4 at UNUM.  This is the fourth year in a row that Waynflete is participating. The team members are Emily Tabb '17 (captain), Rowan May '16, Rahwa Michael '17,...

Upper School Jazz Combo to Compete at State Jazz Festival

For the fourth consecutive year, the Upper School Jazz Combo will represent Waynflete at the Maine State High School Instrumental Jazz Festival on Friday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. The event is open to the public. This is due to their...

Lydia Maier and Izzy Parkinson ’09 Meet Up at Alumni Event in San Francisco

Day One of The Little Prince

Our journey has begun. An excited cast and production staff gathered today for the first read through of our April play.

Waynflete Boys are Regional Champions

#4 Waynflete defeated the #2 Winthrop Ramblers 43-41 in overtime last night to capture Waynflete's second boys' basketball regional  championship in three years.  Milo Belleau, Will Nelligan and Yai Deng each scored 11 points for the Flyers.  Waynflete will play...

Phuc Tran Addresses Houston’s World Affairs Council

Phuc Tran has just returned from Texas where he had been invited to address the World Affairs Council of Greater Houston. Phuc was the keynote speaker at the organization’s Foreign Language Luncheon.  According to the event's organizers, he spoke to...

Psychology class, the Happiness Project, and Llamas on Campus

EC Anthill Video EC teacher Bob Mills and senior Arianna Giguere Looking On

Parent Follow-Up Letter to the “Speak About It” Presentation

Dear parents, Thank you for attending the parent presentation at Waynflete yesterday evening! It was really wonderful getting to speak with all of you both during and after the program. Thank you for your attention, sincerity, and thoughtful, challenging questions....

Ben Millspaugh Advances to State Poetry Out Loud Competition

On February 10th, Ben Millspaugh was named one of five finalists at the Poetry Out Loud Southern Maine Regional Competition at City Theater in Biddeford. Twenty-one school winners participated in two rounds, reciting poems from poets as diverse as Jimmy...

Waynflete VRC Team Qualifies for Maine State VEX Championship!

After finishing 4th at the regional tournament, the Upper School Robotics Team learned that it had qualified for the Maine State VEX Championship, to be held at Hampden Academy on Saturday, February 13.  The team is now busy refining how...

New England Youth Identity Summit

Waynflete and Maine Seeds of Peace are thrilled to announce the inaugural New England Youth Identity Summit, an event for students and educators from across New England designed to spark meaningful conversations about identity, diversity, and community. The Summit kicks off on Friday...

Congratulations to District II Honors Vocal Festival Participants

Congratulations to Max Soley, Emily Talpey, and Eidann Thompson-Brown, who participated in an exciting and inspiring District II Honors Vocal Festival at Windham High School on January 29-30! The festival draws singers at the middle and high school levels from...

Theater Department announces auditions for the The Little Prince

Waynflete Upper School Theater Department is pleased to announce auditions for the April 7-9 show The Little Prince. Auditions will be held after Break on February 23 and 24 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Franklin Theater. We are looking for a cohort of...

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