Articles Categorized: Upper School

The Little Prince: Reflections

On April 7-9 the Upper School staged four performances of Cummins & Scoullar’s The Little Prince, based on the book by Antoine Saint-Exupéry.  This children’s theater style production was led by two student assistant directors who were trying out directing...

What Makes Waynflete Students Happy?

The US Now staff was curious about what makes Waynflete students happy, so we decided to ask them in a one question survey, "What makes you happy?"  They offered the following responses: Food, music, exercise AND MORE SLEEP Friends Skiing...

New England Youth Identity Summit 2016: Students Bring Dialogue to Life

Dialogue, at its best, is the art and science of communicating across differences to distill the  wisdom from a diversity of viewpoints. It requires that participants make themselves vulnerable to being authentically affected by being in relationship with another and...

Sustainable Ocean Studies: Apply Now

There is still space available for this summer's edition of Sustainable Ocean Studies (SOS). Sponsored by Waynflete and the Chewonki Semester School and comprised of students from across Maine, New England, and beyond, SOS is open to high school students...

Catching Up with Alex Koch ’03

A Wayfinder Schools Interview with Alex Koch WS: Tell me about your role here: AK: I'm Lead Overnight Staff at the New Gloucester campus, working the Sunday and Monday night shift. In addition to that, I'm the Ecology Teacher. I spend a...

Upper School Students’ Art Selected for MECA Annual Exhibit

Emily Tabb, class of 2017, Esme Benson class of 2016, and Christian Rowe, class of 2016, were amidst 40 other Maine students whose ceramics artwork was selected to be shown at Maine College of Art's High School Student Ceramic Arts...

The Little Prince Opens Thursday!

The Upper School presents The Little Prince adapted by Rick Cummins and John Scoullar from the book by Antoine de Saint ­Exupéry. A tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth who reflects, "It...

Waynflete Students on Second Place Team of Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament

MIST (Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament) is an annual national competition, with regional qualifying meets. On March 26 and 27, schools from around New England met at MIT to compete in over 30 competitions, with events ranging from basketball to Quran recitation....

Alumna Caitie Whelan ’02 Speaks at Upper School Assembly

On March 27, 2016 Alumna Caitie Whelan '02 addressed Upper School students during Assembly. She shared the story of her non-linear path from Waynflete to her current role as Founder/Noter-in-Chief of The Lightning Notes, a short daily post to "help move...

Upper School Teams Take 2nd and 3rd at State Science Olympiad

Waynflete competed in the State Science Olympiad Tournament, hosted by the University of Southern Maine, on Saturday, March 26. In the tournament, teams of 15 students compete in 23 engineering and science events. Waynflete Upper School fielded two teams, for...

Outdoor Experience Explained

OE Coordinator Emily Graham explains the options to freshman and sophomores for the trips next fall.

Alwyn Ecker Helps Support Brunswick Ban Against Polystyrene


Cashes Ledge: Should it be Designated as a Marine National Monument?

Located in close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, Waynflete has long educated its students about the ocean through its Marine Biology class.  In 2010, the School joined the larger community conversation about the health of the ocean and its relationship...

Ben Millspaugh Represents Waynflete at Poetry Out Loud State Final

On Tuesday, March 15, ninth grader Ben Millspaugh represented Waynflete in the 11th annual Poetry Out Loud Maine State Final Competition at the Waterville Opera House. Co-sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation, Poetry Out Loud culminates...

Success at Shakespeare Slam

The Waynflete Underground Shakespeare Co. salute the first folio while attending the Portland Public Library Shakespeare Slam. Isabel Floyd, Arija Forsyth, Justin Gross, and Caroline Kyros performed scenes and monologues from The Bard.  Arija and Isabel took home first and...

Annual State of the Ocean Event on Tuesday, April 5

For the seventh year in a row, Waynflete will host the The State of the Ocean Speaker Series.  The event will take place on April 5. The doors to the Arts Center open at 6:00 p.m. for an open house...

Spirit Week 2016: Dodgeball

Jazz Combo Takes Second Place at the MMEA High School Instrumental State Jazz Festival

Congratulations to the Waynflete Upper School Jazz Combo for taking Second Place, Division 3 with a Gold rating at the Maine Music Educators Association High School Instrumental State Jazz Festival 2016!  Recognized with MMEA certificates for receiving 1 ratings as soloists were...

Joint Concert with NYA to benefit Help Haiti

On Tuesday, March 29, Waynflete is hosting the second annual joint concert with North Yarmouth Academy to benefit the Middle School Help Haiti activity. The evening will start off with dessert and coffee and a performance by the Middle School Steel...

Spirit Week 2016 Gallery

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete