Articles Categorized: Upper School

Maya Hamilton ’16 Stays with Rwandan Family for Senior Project

  The homestay and working with ELL students has been an amazing experience, I’ve learned so much from it. I hope many other students will take advantage of this opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture without having to worry...

Senior Projects 2016

Jesse Brooks ’17 Attends Stock Market Game Awards Lunch

For his 2nd place finish in the fall session of The Stock Market Game (SMG), Jesse Brooks was invited to the awards lunch, held on 5/31 at USM in Portland.  Jesse's portfolio gained over 14% during the 12 week simulation. ...

The Benefits of Playing Multiple Sports

Throughout elementary school and especially in middle school, I was always asked: “If you were only able to play one sport, what would it be?” I usually replied that I enjoyed both basketball and soccer equally. Sometimes during basketball season...

Interview with Steve Kautz

After thirteen years at Waynflete, Steve Kautz is moving with his family to Spain.  Recently he sat down with USNOW staff to reflect on his time at Waynflete and to anticipate the journey ahead.

Senior Project Information

Click here for the Senior Project Presentation Schedule.   We are also highlighting projects below that benefit a cause or have an evening performance. Senior Project Presentation to Benefit NAMI Join seniors Olivia Hintlian, Cal Lewis, and Marijke Rowse on Friday,...

Play Day for Mental Health at the Fields

Photo Gallery In early April, a group of seniors met with Dean of Students Cathie Connors and me to say that they wanted to take action to help their school community heal from the deaths by suicide of two of their...

Afterschool Seeking US Mentors for 2016-17

The Afterschool program is beginning to accept applications for next year's mentors. Students who are 16 or older will earn $10.10 hourly for their work in the program. Younger students may volunteer in the program for community service hours. Please...

Interview with International Student Arnas Krutkis

This year, Waynflete was happy to welcome Arnas Krutkis, an exchange student from Lithuania, to the Junior Class. Arnas has been involved in the Waynflete community by doing the Debate Team, the Swim Team, and Crew and by just being...

End of Year Letter to Parents from US Director Lowell Libby

Dear Upper School Parents, I am writing with logistical information about the end of the year in the Upper School.  The last day of regular classes is Friday, May 27. Following is a description of what is next. Final exams...

Upper School Assembly Presentation by Professor Don Sawyer

Professor Don Sawyer was the keynote speaker at the New England Youth Identity Summit in March. Dr. Sawyer is a faculty member in the Department of Sociology at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT.. He teaches Sociology of Hip­-Hop Culture, based...

Exam Schedule

End of Year Exam Schedule May/June 2016 All exams in Sills unless otherwise noted.  Extended time exams in E-20. Tuesday, May 31 8:30-10:30   English 9 and U.S. History II & History elective Exams Extended time exams 8:15 – 11:15 10:45 – 12:45   English...

Reiche-Waynflete Project Boosts Love of Reading

Tabarak Al Musawi from Waynflete (who is a former Reiche student) reading to Reiche kindergartners. Read the full article

Nicole and Jonas Maines ’15 Featured in Latest “Americans Who Tell The Truth” Portrait

Robert Shetterly recently unveiled the newest addition to his “Americans Who Tell The Truth” (AWTT) series: a portrait of Nicole and Jonas Maines ’15. In his opening remarks, Robert said that “Nicole and Jonas’s courage, commitment, and outspokenness made them perfect...

Mental Health Awareness Play Day

Sunday, May 22 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fore River Fields 180 Osgood Street Portland, Maine The Mental Health Awareness Play Day is for everyone! This student-run event focuses on informal high school girls and boys lacrosse scrimmages with athletes...

Class of 2016 Dedicates Yearbook to Debba Curtis

"Perhaps it is her history as a lawyer that has so thoroughly trained her to detect half-truths and poorly researched papers, but whatever the cause, she is willing and able to call her students out when they fall short of her expectations....

Mitch Newlin ’12 Writes Home

After graduating from high school in the spring of 2012, I took a gap year and spent the first semester living in Kakamega, Kenya, at the orphanage to which I had become closely connected. I spent the second semester working...

Mitch Newlin ’12, Entrepreneur

During his four years at Waynflete, Mitch Newlin always had a lot on his plate. Whether playing sports, attending meetings and events of RAaW, committing himself to the Kakamega Orphanage, entertaining friends and teachers with his outlandish stories, or just...

2016 Senior Exam Schedule

2016 Senior Exam Schedule  All exams in Sills Hall unless indicated or instructed otherwise. If Seniors are scheduled for more than one exam in a period, they should let their teacher and Peter Hamblin know so that one of the exams can be rescheduled. Wednesday, May 4, 2016...

Hibo Abdi Earns Rotary Youth Service Award

Hibo Abdi received the Rotary Youth Service Award at a recent Portland Rotary luncheon.  The Youth Service Award honors students with outstanding service and academic records from area high schools.  Abdi will receive $1000 towards college (Carleton College in Minnesota) and...

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