Articles Categorized: Upper School

One Bold Choice: Lucas O’Neil (’08) Talks to Upper School Students

Click here to watch the video presentation.

Fairy-Stories, Snowdays, and Rhyme

John Hoy visits with Northrup Frye, Toronto Within his foundational essay "On Fairy-Stories" J.R.R. Tolkien isolates Faërie, the Perilous Realm or Shadowy Marches wherein fairies discover their being, and he describes three faces by which fairy-stories may be recognized: the...

Bake Sale Supports the Maine ACLU

The Current Events hosted a delicious bake sale this past Monday. Everyone seemed to be quite hungry, and after the baked good were devoured, Current Events had raised $350 for the Maine ACLU. Thanks everyone for pitching in!

Summer Jobs at Waynflete!

Summer Jobs at Waynflete Flyers Camp! From February 1 through March 15, Waynflete Flyers Camp 2017 will accept applications for counselor positions at New and returning candidates must complete an applications. Counselor applicants should be 16 or older. 14...

Scholastic Writing Awards of Maine

Waynflete had three successful submissions to the annual Scholastic Writing Awards of Maine for 2017.  Riley Mayes '18 was a Gold Key recipient, Sydney Sullivan '20 was a Gold Key and Silver Key recipient, Luna Soley '18 was awarded a...

The Winter Play is Coming!

The Winter Play is coming! Performances at Waynflete are scheduled for Friday, March 3rd and Saturday, March 4th at 7:00pm and please join us at the One Act Festival: March 11, 1:00 pm Morse High School, Bath, ME. For the...

Grade Advising Day

Every year, the Upper School suspends classes for one day to focus on topics relevant to the grade. This year, Grade Advising Day for Upper School students will focus on building community and strengthening student health and well-being. In the...

Director’s Remarks – Lowell’s Comments at the Upper School Assembly

In a show of support, the faculty and staff lined up behind Director Lowell Libby as he delivered the remarks below: Joined by a sizable contingent of your mentors, I am going to conclude today’s assembly by reflecting on the state...

Science Olympiad!

Waynflete’s US Science Olympiad team was one of 71 teams from around the country to compete at MIT’s 4th annual Science Olympiad tournament on Saturday, January 21st in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The team worked in pairs to compete in 23 science...

US Theater: A Call for Stories!

The Upper School Theater Program will be producing a play this spring based on your stories, experiences, and feelings, with a particular focus on identity. View the letter that was recently sent to the Waynflete community.

MLK Assembly

Sitting in the auditorium for the Martin Luther King Jr. assembly, the students were all gathered as a community to join and listen to Abukar, who graduated from Waynflete in 2013 and is now a senior at Colby College. As the...

Thank You from the Dream Factory!

A huge thank you from Waynflete Dream Factory to everyone who supported our 50/50 raffle last night at the triple-header basketball games against St. Doms! We made just over $300—that’s enough for a dolphin cruise and a helicopter ride, or...

The Senior Project Process is Underway

Cooper Chap and Will Nelligan '16 presenting their dug out canoe Senior Projects are an exciting opportunity for seniors because they are given a month off from regular classes at school to delve into an existing passion or an opportunity...

Poetry Out Loud

Brave 9th Graders recently took the to the stage for our annual Poetry Out Loud assembly. Read on for poem describing the experience, and be sure to check out the video at the bottom! Reflection on a Recent Upper School...

US Chamber Group Performs for MS, LS, and EC!

It is rare to have three accomplished violinists working together on major literature by Antonio Vivaldi and Ernst Toch. They played beautifully for the Middle School, the Lower School and most recently for the EC group where they responded to...

International Crisis at 2:30 A.M.!

It’s 2:30AM and someone is knocking on my door yelling at me to get up. This is crisis session: an invention at the Maine Model UN Conference where they wake up a subset of the students in attendance and present...

All-State Jazz Festival

Saxophonist Julian Abbott '18 represented Waynflete School at the Maine Music Educators Association Jazz All-State Festival this past Thursday through Saturday.  He rehearsed with other top musicians in the All-State Jazz Combo and performed at the public concert on Saturday....

Poetry Out Loud!

After a spirited competition, congratulations go to the winner of the Waynflete School finals for Poetry Out Loud, Ella Hannaford! Cheers also go to our runner-up, Sarah Acheson-Field! Both Ella and Sarah will now prepare for the Maine regional finals,...

This Week: January 9

Monday, January 9 11:00 - 12:00 - CIEE visit in the atrium These summer study abroad programs are offered by CIEE, a leader in international education. All programs feature top-notch academics and cultural immersion, combined with exciting activities and travel...

A Reflection of Ninth Grade So Far

Having recently started our Upper School career, we noticed many changes in 9th grade compared to last year. We both started at Waynflete in seventh grade, so we got to experience two years of Middle School and the transition to Upper School,...

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