Articles Categorized: Upper School

Violin Trio

Sara Wasdahl, Morgan Peppe, and Thys Geldenhuys

Debba Curtis: Waynflete Faculty member from 1984 to 2017

A sad but joyful memorial service for Debba was held in the sanctuary at St. Luke's Cathedral, which was packed with Waynflete students, alums, faculty, parents, and her many many friends and overflowing with tears and laughter. The reciprocal love...

Spontaneous Art!

Students Ellis Dougherty, Avis Akers and Eliza Goodwin (class of 2020) have fun during their free in Sarah Macdonald's homeroom!

US Chorus Concert – Farewell to Nick MacDonald

The US Chorus had a wonderful concert last week, and at the end of the scheduled program they surprised Chorus Director Nick MacDonald with a special song they had rehearsed in secret, "Thank You for the Music." Nick is leaving...

Day of Silence

Waynflete’s Day of Silence will be held on Friday, May 12. This peaceful demonstration is part of a larger event an known as the National Day of Silence. It was started in 1996. It is a day intended to use...

CommUNITY – Congrats on the Spring Show!

This past weekend featured the final theater show of the year: an original production titled "CommUNITY: Together We Speak. " Check out some shots of the dress rehearsal below, and congrats to the all the actors, crew, and everyone involved;...

This Week: May 1

Monday, May 1 Advising / Service day Please go to homeroom by 8:15. Your advisor will take attendance and then you will begin whatever plan you have with your advising group. 1:50 - PA Class is still on!   Tuesday,...

Interview with Playwright Jesse Brooks, ’17

After the huge success of The Great Bank Robbery (working title) in the State One-Act Festival, Document Stuff Club member Shuhao Liu, '18 sat down with writer/director extraordinaire Jesse Brooks, '17 to find what went into the incredible production. Check...

Senior Exam Schedule

Senior Projects are only two weeks away! That means it's time for Senior Exams. Click here to see the full schedule.

Cuba Trip Returns Home!

When I met with the students and chaperones before their departure for Cuba, I told the students that their primary job was to make the trip so much fun for their chaperones that the chaperones will want to go again...

Makany Parr and Nick Jenkins introduce a performance at the New England Youth Identity Summit

Poet Richard Blanco Sporting Waynflete Swag at the New England Youth Identity Summit

Girls’ lacrosse team in Disney

The Power of Stories: The 2017 New England Youth Identity Summit

The 2017 New England Youth Identity Summit [caption id="attachment_6020" align="alignleft" width="300"] Poet Richard Blanco sporting Waynflete swag[/caption] After an eloquent introduction on a snowy April morning by long-serving Waynflete English teacher Lorry Stillman, Richard Blanco, the 2012 presidential inaugural poet,...

An Interview with Eugene Butler, Seeds of Peace Counselor, after his Upper School Assembly Presentation

Eugene Butler is a senior counselor for Seeds of Peace. He was the emcee and a workshop presenter at the second annual New England Youth Identity Summit, held on March 31 and April 1, 2017. He opened the Summit on...

Atia Werah ’18 Wins Lions Club Speak-Out

Following is the text of Atia Werah's winning speech at the Lions Club Speak Out: When someone is diagnosed with cancer, the doctor will say things like “I’m afraid there is bad news”, or they will tell you that this...

US Theater Spring Show – CommUNITY Together We Speak

The artist and author Barry Lopez says, “If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why...

Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership and Service students at Furniture Friends delivering donated furniture to people in need.

9th Grade Bio Research Projects

Students had to do a mini research project on different types of chromosomal disorders to teach each other about them. They could do a song, a google slides presentation, digital poster, Tellegami avatar etc. The information had to include the...

Hardy Girls Healthy Women

The MS Health Club and the US GLTR Activity joined up and headed to the Hardy Girls Healthy Women conference in Westbrook.

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