Articles Categorized: Upper School

The 2017 Girls Lacrosse Team Wins the Sportsmanship Award

Grace Stone Addresses Student Activism for Maine Public

Grace Stone '19 wrote a great piece for Maine Public this week, check out her words on student activism and its positive contributions to student life.

Baccalaureate and Commencement 2017

Now that the dust has settled, we can look back on an amazing final week of school. Underclassmen finished in a flurry last Wednesday, capped off with a wonderful closing assembly and end of year slideshow by Shuhao Liu '18. Seniors...

End of Year Slideshow!

A huge thanks to Shuhao Liu '18 for an amazing end of year slideshow. Check it out below!  

Leah Israel ’17 Senior Project Recital

Senior Leah Israel gave an amazing performance at Woodford's Church for part of her Senior Project. Check out the video below, and then read about Leah's 9th Grade OE Trip, "Opera Comes to the North Woods of Maine." She has...

Senior Slideshow

Check out the slideshow from the Senior Dinner below! Guess who...each senior has a baby, toddler, and current photo (though some are missing the toddler shot!).

Senior v. Faculty Softball Game — The Wild Recap

Portland, ME - On a day that any self-respecting Chamber of Commerce member would have spent would have been out snapping pictures to advertise the beauty that is the Fore River Fields in spring, Haffenreffer Field played home yesterday to...

Josh Lodish ’17 featured in the Portland Press Herald

Graduates to Watch in Maine's Class of 2017

Senior Projects Recap

It has been a very busy month for the seniors, all culminating on Friday, June 2 with their Senior Project Presentations. The schedule is embedded below: click on someone's name to link over to whatever content they featured in their...

Spring Sports Recap – Tennis Champions Twice Over!

Tennis Update #2: A huge congratulations to BOTH the Boy's and Girl's Varsity Tennis teams on capturing the Class C State Championship this past Saturday. Both teams defeated George Stevens Academy 5-0. This is the Boy's 10th straight championship (matching Falmouth...

Elisbeth Lualdi Explores Authenticity

During a special assembly last Thursday, Elisabeth Lualdi shared her senior project with the Upper School. Her project explores authenticity and honesty. Elisabeth gave a wonderful, open, and honest talk about her own sense and definition of authenticity, her experiences...

Advising Day!

Lydia Maier's homeroom enjoyed its annual tradition of picking a fabric and sewing a personalized pillow to keep at school then take with them after graduating.

Mihaela Cebotari Presents Her Home Country—Moldova

Mihaela Cebotari '18 gave a wonderfully engaging talk about her home country of Moldova this week in assembly. She is the third ASSIST student Waynflete has learned to love; ASSIST's mission is "to create life-changing opportunities for outstanding international scholars...

AllState Music Festival

Morgan Peppe and Sara Wasdahl at the dress rehearsal for the AllState Music Festival Orchestra performance on Saturday, May 20th at University of Maine, Orono. Also performing at AllState: Eva Abbott (Treble Chorus), Justin Gross (Mixed Chorus), and Genevieve Welch...

Another Big Year for Waynflete at Maine Model UN!

Led by history teacher Model UN coach Ben Mini, Waynflete sent another outstanding team to the Maine Model United Nations Conference (MeMUNC). Following is an account of the conference from the perspective of Althea Sellers '17. This year Althea competed...

Ethical Leadership Plants a Tree!

Waynflete parent Heather McCargo (Lilu McNiff '20 and Liam McNiff '16)) helped Ethical Leadership plant this American Elm tree, a native species to our area. The tree will support over 200 species of moths and butterflies, attract birds, and of...

Public Art at Waynflete: A Gift to Giver & Receiver

Click through the gallery above! As a ten-year-old whippersnapper in 70’s London, I was given three gifts by my then master 5th-grade teacher, Mr. Henri LeConte. The first was a gift that inspired my life-long love of art and art...

End of School Details for Grades 9-11

The year is winding down, but there are lots of exciting days ahead! Click here to read a letter from Lowell detailing the final days of school. Happy Spring! And if you missed it, you can find the exam schedule...

Senior Project Presentations/Senior Week Schedule

The Senior Project Presentation schedule is linked here. Come out and support the seniors, and learn about all they have been doing over the past month! Once projects wrap up, the Seniors have an exciting week leading up to Commencement on...

End of Year Exam Schedule!

  Exams are right around the corner, you can check out the exam schedule by clicking here.

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