Articles Categorized: Upper School

Weekend volunteering at Preble Street

The Upper School's Active Community Engagement group has participated in monthly breakfast shifts at Preble Street Resource Center for three years. Shifts accommodate between 5-8 students. Students also work with Furniture Friends (a new nonprofit that helps distribute gently used furniture to...

It’s not all about me!

When you boil it down, what is the distilled essence of the Waynflete experience? Who are we, what do we value, and how do we live out our values on a daily basis? What is our core identity as a...


This semester, in the Advanced Spanish Elective Actualidades ("Current Events"), we have been reading, discussing, and sometimes debating topics we have read on international news sites from around the Spanish-speaking world. Roundtable discussions in the target language, student-led discussions, and moments of...

Waynflete Book Bash featuring Poetry Out Loud readings and “Big Nate” creator Lincoln Peirce

Thanks to "Print: A Bookstore" for hosting Waynflete's first Book Bash, which was a smashing success! (more…)

The Forecaster Names Waynflete Flyers Fall Athletes of the Year

Click here for the Forecaster article.

Exams 2017: Everything You Need to Know!

During the week of exams (Thursday, December 14 - Wednesday, December 20), students are only required to be in school during their exam periods. They may be on campus when they do not have exams if they choose. Please make...

Niche ranks Waynflete #1 Private High School in Maine for 2018

Niche, a website that provides information on K-12 schools, has released their 2018 rankings naming Waynflete the Best Private High School in Maine. The ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and reviews by students and parents. Ranking...

The Waynflete Book Bash is underway!

Great turnout for the first night of the Waynflete Book Bash at Print: A Bookstore on Congress Street. And there’s more to come this week at Print: (more…)

Fall 2017 Sports Wrap-Up

The fall season was an exciting one for the Flyers. Boys and girls soccer made the state tournament and both cross-country teams qualified for the state meet. Field hockey completed the third season as a co-op with Maine Girls Academy....

Rehearsals Underway for ‘The Drowsy Chaperone’

Cast and Crew gathered last Tuesday for an enthusiastic first read and sing through of our winter musical, THE DROWSY CHAPERONE. This hilarious "meta" musical  simultaneously pays tribute to and pokes fun at, the great American tradition of musical theater....

Working late

Thanksgiving break may have already started for some, but these juniors stayed late today to present the results of their studies on the geological features of the moon and asteroids to our liaison at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in...

Middle School Mentoring Retreat

Middle School Mentoring is an Upper School activity that offers an opportunity for high schoolers to create and foster relationships with middle schoolers, helping them navigate the unique challenges of middle school life. The leaders this year, Musaid Mohammed '19 and...

Creature Club Celebrates a Llama’s Birthday

On Saturday, November 18th, the Upper School's Creature Club activity volunteered at Graze in Peace (an animal sanctuary) in Durham, Maine. Participants included Charlotte Rhoads, Hannah Kiely, Aden Khalidi, Eliza Clark, Courtney Ford, Isabel and Claire Dubois, Stella Lynch and...

Fall Sports Slideshow

Check out the awesome slideshow put together by Shuhao Liu '18. Congrats on a great season, Flyers!

Mary Goodrich ’20 reflects on her time at the barn

Each "What Matters Most?" interview tries to capture an aspect of a student’s pursuits or interests that might not be visible in their everyday Waynflete experience. This week, I caught up with Mary Goodrich '20 after discovering she spends nearly...

Fall 2017 issue of “Lit Mag” from the Waynflete Writers’ Guild

The Waynflete Writers’ Guild has been around for a number of years as a place for students to meet, have fun, and share their writings. This year’s guild has taken on the ambitious goal of publishing student written and visual...

Veterans Day at Waynflete

Josh Broder, Waynflete Class of 1997, Army Veteran, and owner of Tilson (a local telecommunications company) gave an amazing talk to the Upper School Assembly on Tuesday. You can watch the video here. Josh's full bio is below. Josh was...

Viewing Education Through a Lens Broadens Perspective

Junior Miles Lipton recently traveled to India to volunteer at the Siddhartha School. He wrote about his experiences for Maine Public—click here to check out the incredible story!

From the Wilds of Yosemite National Park

I am writing this letter from a cabin in Yosemite Valley, where my windows overlook - in one direction - an oak grove with four giant Sequoias shedding dark orange and brown leaves on the gravestone of Galen Clark, and...

Winter Show Auditions—”The Drowsy Chaperone”

THE DROWSY CHAPERONE Music and Lyrics by Lisa Lambert & Greg Morrison—Book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar Director and Musical Director: Katy Cavanaugh Technical Director: Chris Fitze  Producer: Tiki Fuhro Choreography: Susan Nelson  Costumes: Barbara Kelly Auditions and crew...

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