Articles Categorized: Upper School

Founder of International Peace Initiatives visits Waynflete

We were fortunate to have Dr. Karambu Ringera, who runs International Peace Initiatives based in Meru, Kenya, with us on Tuesday last week. At our Middle and Upper School assemblies, Dr. Karambu shared her thoughts on why curiosity, care, and...

Pirates and mermaids in Franklin Theater

A horde of pirates and mermaids invaded Franklin Theater this past weekend as the Upper School theater program brought a triumphant production of Rick Elice's Peter and the Starcatcher to the stage. Audiences were treated to an imaginative, funny, sweet, and...

Boys varsity soccer caps undefeated season with win over Fort Kent

Read the Portland Press Herald story Read the Forecaster Story View photos of the championship game​ (courtesy of Winky Lewis)

Mindful technology evening for parents

Erica Marcus, educator and wellness instructor from “Wise Minds, Big Hearts,” led parents last Monday in an evening of reflection that began with an inquiry into our own technology use as a window into understanding the impact of screens and...

Zoe Ruff ’21 letter included in new book

Zoe Ruff ’21’s 2016 letter to President Obama has been included in a new book, “To Obama: With Love, Joy, Anger, and Hope” by Jeanne Marie Laskas, a collection of correspondence sent to the president over his two terms in...

Henry Spritz ’19 repeats as cross-country state champion

Henry Spritz '19 defended his 2017 state title today as he won the Class C Maine State Championship cross country race at Troy Howard Middle school in Belfast. Henry took the lead right from the start and ran the course...

Students share Shoulder-to-Shoulder stories

Students gathered in the Emery Student Center last night to share their stories of embarking on “Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder” global citizenship courses last summer with parents and peers. "It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm about the personal discovery each of...

October 2018 “Lit Mag” from the Waynflete Writers’ Guild

The Waynflete Writers’ Guild has been around for a number of years as a place for students to meet, have fun, and share their writings. We hope that you both enjoy and are moved by what has been put to...

Meet Finja Buhl

Henry Bukowski-Thall ’20 interviews Finja Buhl, a Grade 11 exchange student from Wolfsburg, Germany (shown second from right in photograph). Henry: How old are you? Finja: I will be 17 at the end of October. Henry: Tell us a bit...

Stargazing, Love, and Peru

Anna Louise Wildes '20 reflects on her Students Shoulder to Shoulder experience in Peru I believe a good dosage of stargazing is healthy for the soul; it can really put into perspective how small human beings are, and remind us...

Rare opportunity for “Peter and the Starcatcher” cast

The cast and crew of the fall play, Peter and the Starcatcher, were treated to a rare opportunity last Wednesday—the chance to hear from celebrated novelist Ridley Pearson, the co-author (with Dave Barry) of book series Peter and the Starcatchers....

Convocation 2018

Read students' shared reflections on courage Comments by Head of School Geoff Wagg: Welcome to the 2018-2019 Waynflete school year! On this day at our opening convocation, we take a moment to mark the beginning of the school year. This...

Family Rock: On Cell Phones, Security, and Special Places

For each of the past eight years, the ninth grade has gathered at Chewonki’s wilderness outpost on Fourth Debsconeag Lake, just southwest of Baxter Park. In its previous incarnation, the facility was a hunting and fishing camp called Pleasant Point....

Opening Remarks from Upper School Director Lowell W. Libby

Welcome back after so many miles hiked, biked, and paddled, services rendered, new connections made, old relationships deepened, and our collective appreciation for the natural environment heightened. It is a lot to ask of faculty to spend four days and...

Upper School Gratitudes 2018

On the last day of school advisors asked their advisees to write down something they were grateful for over the past year. Answers varied from donuts to Breda White, and each advisor shared one or two at our closing assembly....

Abby Pipkin ’18 and Chris Moore ’80: A Senior Project Collaboration

Music has always been an important part of Abby Pipkin’s life. She loves to sing (she performed a Cat Stevens tune at this year’s Baccalaureate) and was  a member of Waynflete’s chorus and acoustic group. When the time came to...

Our Graduates Are Going Places!

Waynflete's Class of 2018 is a group of accomplished young adults with an impressive list of colleges and universities that they will be attending! Below is the list of where our 56 graduates will matriculate this fall. (more…)

Spring Sports Varsity Wrap-Up 2018

It was a sensational spring for Flyers teams! Five Waynflete athletes participated in spring track as cooperative individuals with Cheverus. Our athletes practiced with Cheverus and represented Waynflete at meets. All five competed in the Western Maine Conference championship at...

Baccalaureate and Commencement 2018

It was a whirlwind week at Waynflete, but the final events have come to a close and all of a sudden, hallways feel oddly quiet. We had two wonderful ceremonies for our graduating seniors—Baccalaureate and Commencement. Click below to see...

Senior Slideshow!

A few days before Commencement, Waynflete seniors and their advisors gather for a special celebratory dinner. Each senior is honored with a "Senior Minute"—a short ode to that student and their time at Waynflete. To cap off the evening we...

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