Articles Categorized: Lower School

Waynflete featured in Old Port Magazine

Waynflete was the subject of a feature article in the November 2018 issue of Old Port Magazine. Click here to read the article.

Waynflete Book Bash featuring Poetry Out Loud readings and “Big Nate” creator Lincoln Peirce

Thanks to "Print: A Bookstore" for hosting Waynflete's first Book Bash, which was a smashing success! (more…)

Niche ranks Waynflete #1 Private High School in Maine for 2018

Niche, a website that provides information on K-12 schools, has released their 2018 rankings naming Waynflete the Best Private High School in Maine. The ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and reviews by students and parents. Ranking...

The Waynflete Book Bash is underway!

Great turnout for the first night of the Waynflete Book Bash at Print: A Bookstore on Congress Street. And there’s more to come this week at Print: (more…)

K-1 Election

On November 7, K-1 students participated in Election Day by voting on a special drink for snack. The choices were apple juice, grape juice, and lemonade. On Monday, students practiced filling in ballots and learned about the voting process. On...

Welcome to the Wire!

Welcome to the Lower School section of the Waynflete Wire, where you will find snapshots of day to day in the Lower School. I hope that through these glimpses you will see how your children engage with the program, one...

Lower School construction project – update #3

Math Lunches in 2-3 and 4-5

Math Lunch is an opportunity for students who are interested in mathematics to get together with other math enthusiasts to work on math challenges. Most 2-3 and 4-5  students have participated in a math lunch over the past three weeks....

Managing technology use in the digital age

Parents across the country are entering into conversations about the role of technology in their lives and the lives of their children. Regardless of family values or family policies regarding access to technology—the digital age is here to stay and...

Form and function of pottery

In 4-5 studio class with art teacher Chloe Horie, the students have been talking about how form can match function in pottery: how the shape a pot takes mirrors the way the pot is used. This study happened in conjunction...

Play in the Piney Woods

Down the hill from the Lower School classrooms in the Piney Village is the magical outdoor playspace called The Piney Woods. The Piney Woods one of the locations EC-5 children enjoy recess together.  Beneath the towering pines and among the...

Honoring the Day of the Dead

“Una civilización que niega a la muerte, acaba por negar a la vida.” (A civilization that denies death, ends up denying life.) -Octavio Paz Last week Lower School Spanish students celebrated el día de los muertos.  El día de los...

Fifth Grade Tour Guides

On Sunday, a group of fifteen fifth graders worked as tour guides for Waynflete’s EC-5 Open House. Over 40 visitors were toured around the Lower School by these outstanding ambassadors.  Fifth graders were responsible for following a tour schedule, talking...

Georgia to Maine in seven steps

Students in Tim Hebda’s 4-5 class were recently immersed in the thematic study of westward migration in the United States. Territorial and state geography is an essential part of the story, so Tim decided to employ technology—including cameras, projectors, and Skype—to...

Lower School construction project – update #2

Lower School construction project – update #1

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete