Articles Categorized: Lower School

Early Childhood students learn about the science behind waterfalls

Middle School teacher Katrina St. John visited the Lower School’s Early Childhood program yesterday to teach the school’s youngest students about the science behind waterfalls. The concept of an “emergent curriculum”—an essential aspect of the Reggio Emilia Approach—comes into play...

Mindful technology evening for parents

Erica Marcus, educator and wellness instructor from “Wise Minds, Big Hearts,” led parents last Monday in an evening of reflection that began with an inquiry into our own technology use as a window into understanding the impact of screens and...

Time-lapse video of Lower School construction project

Amazing 14-month video of the entire Lower School construction project!

Storytime for young readers

PRINT: A Bookstore again hosted Waynflete faculty and a group of pre-and early readers to enjoy an afternoon of stories and activities. Three books were highlighted at the event: Melia and Jo by Milly Aronson, Off & Away by Cale Atkinson,...

Codebreaking at PRINT

A group of Waynflete faculty, the staff from Print: A Bookstore, and a group of eager elementary and middle school students enjoyed an afternoon of coding activities together. The book Code Girls: The True Story of the American Women Who Secretly...

Scavenger Hunt at the Cumberland County Fair

Last week, K-1 traveled to the Cumberland County fair to visit the livestock and watch some demonstrations. Armed with a scavenger hunt list of things to spot, these youngsters had an up close encounter with a silky racer and his...

Convocation 2018

Read students' shared reflections on courage Comments by Head of School Geoff Wagg: Welcome to the 2018-2019 Waynflete school year! On this day at our opening convocation, we take a moment to mark the beginning of the school year. This...

Lower School construction update #12 (final update!) with Millard Nadeau

Lower School construction update #11 with Millard Nadeau

About a month to go!

What kind of school thinks all children deserve a “gifted” education?

5 Hallmarks of Gifted Education for Young Learners By Anne Hopkins (Lower School Director) and Heather Tanguay (Grade 2-3 Learning Specialist) Like all children, gifted students deserve a curriculum that meets their special needs. Gifted students thrive in an educational...

Next stage in the construction project: farewall to the modulars!

Click below to watch a time-lapse video of the first modular removal!

Lower School construction update #10 with Millard Nadeau

Learning about lobstering

Junior Matt Beard ’19 recently visited with K-1 students to teach them all about lobstering. The kids had lots of questions: How do you make sure the lobsters don't get out of the top of the trap? How do you...

Wooden spirit

Waynflete recently welcomed Mexican folk artists Efraín Fuentes and Silvia Gomez to campus. They spent the day demonstrating their craft and sharing their family story with students in Grades K-12, faculty, staff, and community members. It was a great opportunity to observe this...

Construction update #9 with Millard Nadeau

Siding, taping, painting, flooring... 

4-5 teacher Tim Hebda on the role teachers play in leveraging education technology

Listen to the EdTechChat podcast!

Grade 6/Early Childhood science collaboration

In the spring, sixth graders learn about and study plants as their final unit of the year. This year, they decided to collaborate with students in the Lower School's Early Childhood program on a series of projects. They hope to...

Invention Convention

4-5 students recently embarked on feats of creative engineering. After a thorough study of simple machines, students examined everyday problems in their lives, formulated solutions, and crafted inventions. With testing, troubleshooting, and peer feedback, their projects went through many iterations and...

Resisting the irresistible: fighting back against the power of addictive technology

This is a guest post by Waynflete parent ('20, '22, and '25) Jonathan R. Werner. Jonathan is a library and instructional technology specialist at Cape Elizabeth Middle School. Let me be clear. I am no technophobe. In fact, I spend my days surrounded by...

Construction update #8 with Millard Nadeau

Windows from Germany, a hidden tunnel, mezzanine views, and new exercise rooms... 

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete