Articles Categorized: Lower School

La Cremà

As part of the Lower School’s study of Spain (this year's “Global Focus” country), students recently participated in the celebration of a Valencian festival called "Las Fallas." Each home station in the Lower School spent weeks creating a Spanish themed...

Art appreciation and a visit to the PMA for 4-5 students

Students in Waynflete’s 4-5 program visited the Portland Museum of Art on March 1. To prepare for the trip, Daniel Kany—an art historian and critic for the Portland Press Herald—gave a presentation entitled, “How to Appreciate Art in a Museum.”...

Kids’ Choice in 2-3

One of the highlights of our year in 2-3 is the “Kids’ Choice” study in January. After brainstorming ideas, students vote for the topics they would like to study. This allows us to narrow down the list to four choices—one...

Judy Novey honored by MAEA

Waynflete art department chair Judy Novey was recently recognized by the Maine Art Education Association in its annual Art Educator Awards and Recognitions Program. Judy received the Association’s "Outstanding Commitment to the Profession” award. Congratulations Judy!

Early childhood program celebrates Spain in annual play

Early childhood students recently celebrated Spain (the subject of this year's Lower School Global Focus week) with a retelling of the story of “Medio Pollito” (“Half Chicken”). Check out some fun photos below! (more…)

K-1 village project

In K-1, we have extended our Identity and Expression unit into conversations about the geography of where we live.  We read books and drew maps of our rooms and of our K-1 space, and began a project where we drew...

A Story Exchange: Colum McCann Meets Waynflete

Last week the Irish-American author Colum McCann came to Portland on a mission. He wanted to tell the story of Narrative 4, an organization of authors and artists dedicated to mending our social fabric through cultivating “fearless hope” and “radical empathy”...

Early Childhood–Grade 8 studio shows runs through March 29

Be sure to stop by the Waynflete Gallery before the end of March to check out the EC–Grade 8 studio show. See samples of the great student work below. Stayed tuned for the Grade 9–12 show in April! (more…)

Waynflete visual arts in the community

Eliza Goodwin '20 and Tzevi Aho '19 received Gold and Silver keys respectively at the recent Scholastic Exhibition at the Maine College of Art (part of the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards). Five Waynflete students' work is currently on display...

The heart of learning at Waynflete

Last week, the New York Times published an article by David Brooks entitled “Students Learn from the People They Love.” A Waynflete parent shared it with her children’s teachers, with a kind note of acknowledgement. The article quickly went viral...

Snowballs, PJs, and the three branches: the art and science of an emergent curriculum

The phrase “I’m Just a Bill” will likely bring back memories for many Generation-Xers and late Boomers. Now with children of their own, today’s parents might be surprised to discover that the classic “Schoolhouse Rock!” feature hasn’t gone out of...

The Ellis Island experience in 4-5

Most of the curriculum in Waynflete’s 4-5 program is thematically driven. We believe students learn best when the content they are learning is interdisciplinary and hands on. 4-5 teachers collaborate to connect writing, science, history, and literature. Major thematic studies...

“Authenticity” in the Waynflete Gallery

The Authenticity show in the Waynflete Gallery has enabled visitors of all ages to participate in various reinterpretations of famous "masterpieces." The show invites viewers and participants to consider the very definitions of art and who is an artist, while...

Why is Colum McCann coming to speak at Waynflete?

Many of you have already noted with great excitement that Colum McCann, the widely read and highly acclaimed Irish author of six novels and three collections of stories, is coming to speak at Waynflete during the evening of February 6,...

Hot off the presses—the fall/winter 2018 issue of Waynflete Magazine!

View or download a PDF Read an interactive version online (works best in full-screen mode)

Let’s talk Lower School mathematics!

On Wednesday night a group of parents, Lower School math teachers, and Admission staff gathered to engage in some math puzzles and activities and to talk about Waynflete’s elementary school math program.   Lower School Curriculum Co-Coordinator and 4-5 teacher...

Maritime study in 2-3

Every other year, second and third grade students begin the school year by engaging in a maritime study. Waynflete’s location in the heart of Portland—particularly near the harbor—provides a real-world classroom at our doorstep for studying the ocean and working...

Arachnids, Crustaceans, and Diplopods—Oh My!

Middle School seminar teacher and naturalist Kate Ziminsky recently presented a program called "Arthropods: Insects and their Relatives" to K-1 students. The students, who have been studying spiders for over a month, learned about the similarities between insects, arachnids, crustaceans (lobsters),...

Lower School faculty prepares for global focus on Spain

Each year the Lower School chooses a country to study in depth, culminating in a weeklong intensive during the first week of February. Yesterday the Lower School faculty launched its study of Spain by inviting three Spanish guests to school...

Community Art in K-1

Community Art is a weekly period in which visual art collaborates with the classroom curriculum. Students recently created three murals to represent their home station habitats of Forest, Marsh, and Meadow. In the classroom, students brainstormed what elements exist to...

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