On Friday night, I stood at the top of the theater with Tiki Fuhro and Susan Nelson “managing” the throngs of people filling the space beyond capacity. These were not just the parents of theater kids—these were parents, alums, faculty,...
Articles Categorized: Lower School
This year, instrumental music teachers Gene Gill and Eddie Holmes have collaborated on a program that gives grade 4 and 5 students their first tastes of brass and woodwind instruments. The class complements the introduction to strings program that Andy...
Chris Knapp (Waynflete class of 1997) visited with students in the 2-3 program this week. Chris runs an educational organization in Temple, Maine, called Koviashuvik Local Living School. He taught students about indigenous traditions and skills, including pounding ash logs...
Mi’kmaq elder and traditional storyteller David Lonebear Sanipass recently visited with second and third graders under the towering trees of the “Piney Woods.” With his young audience surrounding him in a circle, David told three stories. The first was about...
The seventh- and eighth-grade lockers were relocated to the Forum over the summer, freeing up the standalone building between Cook-Hyde/Morrill and Hurd to be reimagined as a new multipurpose space. Big shout-out to Jeff Smith from the facilities crew for...
K-1 students are grouped into four habitats representing forest, marsh, meadow, and garden. In conjunction with their study of these habitats, students recently created elements for a community mural. Each habitat focused on a season: the meadow in winter, the...
A weather-monitoring station was recently installed on the roof of the Lower School. The station measures wind direction and velocity, outdoor temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and rain data. It also provides ultraviolet radiation (UV) and electromagnetic intensity readings that, along...
K-5 students began the year by creating Collages of Chance in art class. We discussed how making mistakes in art is ok, and how mistakes can lead to new images. We discussed Hans Arp (1886-1966), who was a poet, sculptor,...
Lower School students created "wind socks" for the Waynflete's opening Convocation. Teacher Mary Rehak was inspired to use recycled materials to make art that reacts with the wind. (Ideas in connection with The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind). Materials included...
I recently returned home to find my youngest child Henry surrounded by dozens of small pieces of wood scattered all about the kitchen. He was engrossed in the process of building a coin-sorting machine out of popsicle sticks. He demonstrated...
It was a whirlwind week at Waynflete, but final events have come to a close and suddenly the hallways feel oddly quiet. We had two wonderful ceremonies for our graduating seniors—Baccalaureate and Commencement. Click below to see photos and poetry...
Waynflete’s Class of 2019 is a group of accomplished young adults with an impressive list of colleges and universities that they will be attending! Below is the list of where our 76 graduates will matriculate this fall. (more…)
Patricia (Pat) Davis Klingenstein, Class of 1947, has been named the first recipient of the school’s Alumni Leadership Award in recognition of her work as an education advocate, devoted community leader, volunteer, and philanthropist. The award, which will henceforth be...
4-5 students recently accompanied Lower School Art Teacher Mary Rehak on a visit to the three Middle-Upper School art classrooms where they met teachers and became familiar with the spaces. Pictured above: Upper Schooler Ellis Dougherty explains her book arts...
Congratulations to Scott Simons Architects, who have been recognized by AIA Maine with an Honor Award for their design of our new Lower School! Read more about the award
Waynflete’s Early Childhood program is inspired by Reggio Emilia and embraces an emergent or “negotiated” curriculum. We never study the same thing twice. We don’t know when we may need a dock (study of lobster boats and lobstering), a squid...
As part of the Lower School's in-depth study of Spain, local flamenco dancer Lindsey Bourassa returned to campus to perform on Monday, April 29. She was joined by guitarist Andreas Arnold and singer/dancer Barbara Martinez who dazzled lower schoolers with...
Students in Waynflete’s 4-5 program engage in design thinking How can Peter keep his snowball from melting? What will Nanette do to resist eating the baguette on the way home from the store? How will Mr. McGreely stop rabbits from...
In 2008, when daughter Sophi '20 was in elementary school, Waynflete parent and Bates College Professor Krista Aronson found her worlds as a psychologist, scholar of racial identity, and parent colliding. As her town's majority-white public school district rapidly diversified,...
We are thrilled to announce that Waynflete has received a matching $250,000 Educational Leadership Grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation. The grant will enable the school to build on the success of the The “Can We?” Project, which brings...