What drives someone to move to a new country, and how do they maintain their cultural identity? Our 4–5 students investigated these questions by conducting interviews with 16 Waynflete parents, guardians, faculty, and staff members who had graciously agreed to...
Articles Categorized: Lower School
Lower School Science Specialist Autumn Burton recently presented at the National Science Teaching Association conference in New Orleans, demonstrating culturally responsive teaching practices in science education. Workshop participants received Next Generation Science Standards-aligned lessons focused on identity mapping, including a...
Project Story Boost is a literacy initiative that has been bringing Waynflete students and Reiche Community School kindergartners together since 2001. Upper School students visit Reiche on a weekly basis throughout the academic year to read with their kindergarten buddies....
At the beginning of the year, our Early Childhood students embarked on a journey to discover what it means to be part of a community. Since the EC program's guiding principles (take care of ourselves, each other, and our environment)...
During Banned Books Week, students in grades 4–5 learned about some of the most challenged, age-appropriate books in the United States. They created posters that defended those books and celebrated their freedom to read! [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="86908,86905,86906,86907"]
Students, faculty, and community members were inspired, entertained, and moved by Monday's evening interview with award-winning author Dr. Nnedi Okorafor. Dr. Okorafor spoke of her experience as a daughter of Nigerian immigrants, her process as a writer, her love for...
The Lower School Spanish and visual art programs recently came together to explore the beautiful Mexican tradition of Día de los Muertos, a time to remember and celebrate loved ones who have passed on. During this study, Lower School students...
Congratulations to our girls varsity soccer team on an impressive 9–1 victory over Sacopee Valley at our first Friday Night Lights game! It was an incredible evening for our community as families, alumni, faculty/staff, and other Waynflete community members—more than...
It's Waynflete's birthday! We celebrated our 125th year with a Founders' Day celebration that included cupcakes for all students and employees. Did you know that Waynflete's founders, Agnes Lowell and Caroline Crisfield, sold the school to a newly formed corporation...
K–1 students recently helped the Linear Algebra and Advanced Topics class complete an activity on fractals. The specific fractal pictured here is called a Sierpinski Carpet and is a repeating, decreasing pattern of empty central squares. The Linear Algebra students...
Engineering teacher Jon Amory discussed the components of rockets and Artemis, NASA’s current mission to the moon, with K–1 students as part of their space study today. They are gearing up to create their own rockets and robots to explore...
Art students in grades 4–5 recently went on a field trip to the Portland Museum of Art. Docents expertly guided our students in the "Seeing Through Sketching" tour. Our students received several compliments from museum staff on how well-mannered and...
Last week at Waynflete was a musical one! We had two lovely recitals on Wednesday that featured students in grades 2–11 who take private lessons with our outstanding Enrichment Music teachers. On Thursday, 70 musicians from five different ensembles (Acoustic...
Students in grades 2–3 began the year with the question, "What does it feel like to be near or in the ocean?" This sparked a discussion about social justice standards (justice, identity, diversity, action) as they relate to students' prior...
Anti-bias teaching has long been an essential component of Waynflete’s curriculum. Faculty member Kate Ziminsky recalls that when she began her tenure at the school in 2004, organizations like Teaching Tolerance were already hard at work helping teachers address justice...
Our 2–3 art students recently created signal flags using color theory! Each classroom made a full alphabet without use of rulers or measuring devices. Every color includes all primary hues. Once the alphabets were completed, students brainstormed ideas to describe...
The Outliers, a community robotics team that is open to Waynflete students, recently hosted a fun demo in Sills gym. Each year The Outliers design, build, and program a 150-pound robot to compete against other teams. The robots are designed...
A foggy Maine morning couldn't dampen the spirits of our 2–3 students—the first group to explore our new Lower Playground! We are so grateful to the many generous members of the Waynflete community who helped to make this day possible....
We were happy to observe a sea of smiling faces at the first Lower School Pachanga of the year! [gallery columns="2" link="file" size="medium" ids="86202,86201,86200,86199,86198,86197,86196,86195,86194"]
If you have concerns about your child finding joy after several years of the COVID-19 pandemic, you aren’t alone. At Waynflete, we want every child to love school and are committed to meeting every child where they are. We are...