Waynflete accepting applications for Students Shoulder to Shoulder 2018

“Caring participation in the world” is a cornerstone of Waynflete’s mission. The global citizenship courses offered by Students Shoulder to Shoulder provide students and faculty with the opportunity to learn what sustainable development looks like in our global community. Courses take place in both the U.S. and international locations and are facilitated by our longstanding NGO partners. Many projects focus on environmental projects that are consistent with the UN Millennium goals.
Over 30 Waynflete students and faculty have participated in this experiential learning and teaching opportunity since the school became a Shoulder to Shoulder Coalition School in 2014.
2018 course descriptions are now live and can be viewed here. As a coalition school, Waynflete students receive priority in registering for courses and reserving a space. For more information, contact Assistant Head for Student Life Lydia Maier.