Veterans Day at Waynflete
Josh Broder, Waynflete Class of 1997, Army Veteran, and owner of Tilson (a local telecommunications company) gave an amazing talk to the Upper School Assembly on Tuesday. You can watch the video here. Josh’s full bio is below.
Josh was also recently featured on the Huffington Post in an article titled “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became CEO: Joshua Broder, CEO of Tilson.”
Remember to honor all our veterans this coming weekend!

Josh Broder ’97, Matt Marston ’97, and US Director Lowell W. Libby
Joshua Broder ’97 serves as CEO of Tilson, a Portland-based information technical implementation company, which under his leadership, has grown from less than 10 employees to 360, earning a top spot on the Inc. 5000 list for the past consecutive seven years. Josh led several large, successful Recovery Act-funded technology infrastructure projects in for Tilson that included fiber optic broadband smart grid network deployments. Josh cut his teeth in leadership as an Army Signal Officer on missions in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, where he was awarded the Bronze Star for service in Afghanistan running the tactical communications network for U.S. Forces. Josh holds a Bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College. Josh is a graduate of AT&T’s Operation Hand Salute at JFK University with a certificate in entrepreneurial studies. Josh serves on boards at Skowhegan Savings Bank, Kleinschmidt Associates (a Pittsfield, Maine-based multi-national engineering firm), the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and software start-up NBT Solutions. Josh is is married to Eliza Ginn ’00 and his son, Clayton, is in Kindergarten in Mrs. T’s class (Josh’s K teacher).